taking a


Part 1:


Deep into a 3-hour Bate afterwork, you’ve already Masturbated to 1,000s of Penises online. Up and down. You can’t stop Tugging your Dong. You are fueling your Bate with porn, scrolling and streaming, you're talking to your Bate Brothers, and exposing your Bate to strangers everywhere online. 

Your Penis is making all of the decisions: making you post photos and videos for other Bators to use as porn. Your Penis starts encouraging you to expose yourself, go deep into the Brotherhood of Bating. 

1,000s of more Cocks seen and appreciated. Then your Penis comes across a private oasis just for Bators. A place where you are naked 24/7, Exposed and Masturbating. Fueling your Bate with porn, showing off your Penis, and seeing your other Brothers Bating their Penises. 

Your Penis decides you’re taking a Batecation. Time to get away from life, work, chores, and just Masturbate for days. A place where you can live in a Brotherhood of Men who are Naked, openly Masturbating, encouraging, helping and exposing their own Bate. 

This is going to take some Balls, but it will be an adventure. A Penis-fueled Batecation. No one has to know. You book a room, a flight, you won’t even rent a car cause you’re going to stay Naked and Bating the whole time. 

Part 2:

Packing & traveling

There isn’t much to pack for a Batecation. It’s cheaper anyway to travel with just a backpack. Do you even need a swimsuit? No. You’re packing really light - you throw your Cockrings, Ball stretchers, Toys and Gear into the bag. Who cares if TSA opens it up, what a turn-on to be exposed like that at the beginning of your Batecation. 

You throw a few toiletries into your bag, like a toothbrush, and toothpaste. No deodorant needed. You're taking a Primal weekend to Bate and sweat with your Brothers. 

It’s going to be hot on your Batecation. When you head to the airport, you just freeball in short shorts, a tank top and some flip flops. Wear your cockring through security (rubber if you don’t want to be stopped). 

Time to cruise the airport a while and Expose your Dong while you wait for your flight. Freeballing makes that really easy at the urinals. 

Your Batecation is underway, on the plane, go to the lavatory and give your Penis a few tugs. Snap a pic and post to X later. Let your followers know you’re on a Batecation. 

You’re going to be their Bate fuel the whole time. Posting photos and videos of your Penis on vacation. 

Part 3:


A Naked man greets you at the door. Exposed for anyone who rings the bell. You jump into the house, excited. You’re getting a Boner. You’re shown to your room. Your Penis needs to be Exposed. You strip off what little clothes you’re wearing. And it’s time for the tour. “Fresh Penis is in the house,” yells the host. 

You try to focus, but the giant artwork of Naked Men, and swinging Cocks are distracting. You’ll have to figure out where the towels are later. You’ll need them when you keep Jizzing everywhere.

You need to see every Naked man who’s around. The backdoor swings open and you see a Bator stroking his Dong, laid back under an umbrella. He’s playing with his nipples (noted) and gives you a friendly “hello”. You know this will be the perfect place for Bating endlessly. Your Penis bounces with joy. Your Nuts swing freely in the fresh air. Naked outside. There’s nothing to unpack but your Bator supplies. Time to get acquainted. 

Part 4:

batecation time

It’s a parade of Penis on check-in day. You aren’t the only new Cock on the block. A couple checks in after you. They’re immediately exposed and Naked taking the tour. One’s already Bating! A few hours later another new Penis is swinging through the house. A married dad taking a break to meet another Bator buddy he met on Bateworld. It isn’t long before they’re both Naked and Bating together. 

You’re taking this all in while you sit Naked and Exposed by the pool Masturbating your Penis. You’re just a few hours into your Batecation, Edging your Cock, and the trip already has you so turned on. 

It doesn’t take long before another Horny Man is standing over you to say hello. His Hard Penis glistening in the sun. Yeah, he’s been Tugging all afternoon. You immediately offer to give him a hand.

Suddenly hours of blissful Bating has passed. 

Everyone is Naked. Everyone is Masturbating. It feels Primal. And your Penis was right, you needed this! You needed a break to just Bate with your Brothers. 

Your Balls are swollen with Semen. You need to Bust! You need to eat!. What will you do? A few of the guys also want to take a break to order food. 30 minutes later you’re Naked and eating Thai food around the kitchen. No one even thought to put on clothes when they met the delivery guy. 

You realize you’re going to spend the next few days in Bator Bliss. Just Bonding with your Brothers, Naked and Exposed, Masturbating your Penis, Edging other Cocks, and living in a Primal Penis oasis. 

After dinner guys splinter off, but it’s not long before you hear loud moans throughout the house. Get used to it. It happens all night. Men up Tugging and Gooning. Doors open and Penises Exposed. Do they need help? Does he just want you to watch and Edge to him? It’s 3am. You Cum for a third time since you arrived 12 hours ago. You need a break and some rest. Tomorrow will bring plenty more Bating.

During your stay your Penis decides when it’s time to Masturbate or to Edge a buddy. You snap pics and post videos. You don’t want to forget these moments. They will be porn for other Bators. 

You follow your Primal instincts your whole visit. Cocks cum and come and go. You're all there to live Naked and openly Pleasuring your Penis. Sharing your Goon with your Brothers. It’s the Bond you’ve Masturbated to forever. 

Part 5:

Returning home

A few days later, your Balls are sufficiently drained, Penis pink from days of endless tugging and stroking.  It’s time to head back to reality, but with a new sense of Pride. You’re a Proud Bator and Bonded with other Proud Bators. There is no more shame. You’re going to tell everyone about this Euphoric Phallic Bacation. 

You throw on your shorts, freeballing once again heading back to the airport.  You try to bring back that jar of Albolene, Sir, that’s not allowed and TSA is digging through your sack of Bator supplies. You’re hard again. Fuck. Back exposing at the urinals. 

Once home you’re already texting with your new Brothers. Back home to give your Penis a rest from Batecation. Planning for the next one. 

This place exists. Your Batecation starts at The Bate House. 

